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JACOsub: video titling software for professionals
version 2.4
Timed Script Editor and Player
A Product from Unicorn Research Corporation
This file contains information about running the JACOsub software. For a
general overview (installation, features, etc.), please refer to the
file Overview.doc. JScripts doc contains the complete script format
specification, QuickRef.doc is a quick summary of JScripts.doc, FAQ is
a list of frequently asked questions, ARexx doc contains information about
ARexx communications, and Register.doc contains registration information.
1. Running the Program
2. The Editor Window
3. Pull-Down Menus
4. Notes About Playing Scripts
5. How to Time a Script In Real Time
6. Configuration File Format
Just click twice on the JACOsub icon to start the program. Skip to the
"Menu" section below.
The Shell command for running JACOsub is simply
jacosub [-switches] [scriptname]
Command arguments are optional. Scriptname is the name of the script to
play. If you specify ONLY the root name of your script (that is, with no
.extension), JACOsub will look for the following 5 files:
scriptname.js (JACOsub script)
scriptname.tts (TurboTitle script)
scriptname.pjs (Phoenix Japanimation Society script)
scriptname.tim (generic timed script [actually same as .pjs])
If more than one of these are found, the newest one will be read in.
Additionally, a compiled script of the same name (with the extension .jsc)
will also be loaded if it is newer than the script you specified. JACOsub
optionally saves its compiled script so that it will load up quickly in the
future (it can take a few minutes to compile a long script). The compiled
script is typically over 3 times the size of the uncompiled version.
Default behavior is for this automatic saving to be disabled, because you
are likely to be fiddling with your script, which will require a recompile
If you DO specify one of the above extensions in your script name, then
JACOsub will attempt to load that specific script, plus the compiled if it
exists and is newer.
For Panimator (.pan), Subtitle (.sub), and ZeroG (.zeg) scripts, you must
convert them to JACOsub format before loading them into JACOsub, using the
JConvert utility. See Overview.doc for more information.
-config lets you specify a configuration file. The file name must appear
following a space after the -config switch. If this switch is
omitted, JACOsub will look for the file JACOsub.cfg in the
current directory.
-register takes you through the registration procedure. You will be asked
for your name and registration code. After entering these, the
program will permanently modify itself to reflect your ownership.
Some features will be unlocked, and the script play display will
not have that little logo in the lower right corner. See the
"Shareware Notice" and "Commercial License" sections near the end
of this document for details on obtaining a registration code.
This switch is the same as clicking twice on the "register" icon.
-trace displays a trace of program execution during initializations. If
JACOsub crashes when loading, try this switch, then write to the
author and describe what was displayed.
-any other switch causes a help message to be displayed.
During script compilation, JACOsub will inform you of its progress as
well as any errors that it finds in your script.
To see how it all works, run the demo script (called demo.js). There are
three ways you can do this:
1) From JACOsub: After starting JACOsub either from the shell or from
Workbench, press right-Amiga-O Open a script, and select demo.js from
the file requester.
2) From a Shell: Just make sure that demo.js, idemo.js, and JACO.bbm
are in your scripts directory, and type this command:
run jacosub demo
3) From Workbench: Click ONCE on the demo.js icon. Then, while holding
down the SHIFT key, click twice on the JACOsub icon.
Once the script is loaded, press right-Amiga-P to play it. It will be
compiled first if needed.
The first thing you see when you run JACOsub is the editor window. Besides
the pull-down menus, there are several operations that can be done with the
keyboard and the mouse:
- The Shift-Up and Shift-Down arrow keys will page the screen up and down.
- The Shift-Left and Shift-Right keys will skip the cursor over words.
- Clicking the mouse on the display will reposition the text cursor.
- Holding down the mouse button on the top line, bottom line, left column,
or right column of the display will cause the display to scroll.
- Double-clicking the mouse on a line starts a block definition. Double-
clicking somewhere else expands the block to the new position. Double-
clicking again starts over with a new block definition.
- The function keys F1-F10 may be defined to insert often-used strings.
Set these with the "FKey macro" selection in the "Config" menu.
- Press right-Amiga-T to toggle the cursor between the first line and last
line of your script.
- Press right-Amiga-] to toggle the cursor between the beginning and end
of the current line.
- Press right-Amiga-/ to toggle between insert and overstrike modes.
There are five pull-down menus available in JACOsub, each with several
selections. Many selections have a keyboard shortcut; these shortcuts are
displayed alongside the selections.
File -- file operations
New Remove current script from memory.
Open Open a new script and load it into the editor.
The file must be a legal script type; that is, the
name must end in .js, .tts, .pjs, or .tim.
Insert file Insert a file ahead of the current line. You can
use this selection to load up any ASCII file that
is not an actual script.
Save Save the script using the current name.
Save as Save the script under another name.
Save block Save the current highlighted block to a file.
Print block Print the current highlighted block to device prt:.
View IFF file Preview pictures in the graphics directory.
About Display some information about JACOsub & free RAM.
Quit Exit the program.
Edit -- editing operations
Block start Mark the beginning of a block at the current line.
Block end Mark the end of a block at the current line.
Clear block Remove all block markings.
Select all Mark all lines in the script as a block.
Cut block Cut currently-marked block from the script, and
save it in the clip buffer.
Copy block Copy currently marked block into clip buffer.
Insert block Insert clip contents into script ahead of the
current line.
Delete line Delete current line under the cursor.
Undelete line Insert last deleted line ahead of current line.
Jump to line Enter a line number to jump to.
Beg/End of line Toggle cursor between beginning and end of line.
Top/End of file Toggle cursor between beginning and end of script.
Overstrike Toggle between insert and overstrike editing modes.
Search -- searching and replacing
Find Search for a string.
Replace Search and replace a string (singly or multiply).
Go next find/rpl Go to next search or replace occurrence.
Script -- playing and other script operations
Play script Play the script, compiling first if needed.
Pressing ESC during compilation returns you to the
editor. Prior to playing, you may adjust several
settings: play mode (normal, running clock, or
manual step), ramp & shift values, and begin time.
Play block Play only the highlighted block.
View line See what current line will look like during play.
MouseMove line Position a title with the mouse (WYSIWYG). Other
titles and graphics which are timed to appear on
the screen at the same time as the selected title,
will also be displayed for reference, if the
selected line is inside a highlighted block.
Text Directive Display a dialog box allowing you to set directives
relating to text appearance. The editor's cursor
must be positioned on a timed line or on a
#DIRECTIVE command line. This is easier than
remembering all those directives (see JScripts.doc
or QuickRef.doc), but you'll still need some
knowledge of their capabilities before playing with
this menu selection.
Compile script Compile the script (this is automatically done when
you play a script, so you will rarely need this).
You can abort long compilations by pressing ESC.
Time overlap warn Warn during compile if the time range for any line
overlaps the time range for the previous line.
Save compiled Dump the compiled script data structures to a file.
The file will have the extension .jsc on its name.
Timing -- operations for manipulating time events
IMPORTANT: There are some operations where you are asked to enter numbers.
In all of JACOsub's numerical handling, numbers after a decimal point DO
NOT represent fractions of a second. They represent whole time units.
12.4 and 12.004 mean the same thing: 12 seconds plus 4 time units. The
number of time units per second is determined by your #TIMERES setting in
your script. Default is 30/second if not specified. Suppose you are using
100 units/second and want to specify 0.4 seconds. You must specify 40
UNITS. That is .40, not .4 (.4 would be 4 units, i.e. 0.04 seconds).
Time block Time the lines that have timing numbers, in a
highlighted block, or in a selected track in the
block. See the section "How to Time a Script"
below for more details.
Punch-In timing "Plays" a pre-timed block in the timing display,
allowing you to toggle between playing and timing
by pressing the R key. The block, or the selected
track, must be timed and the start times must be
sequentially ordered.
Ramp block Ramp-adjust times in a block for drift.
Shift block Shift all times in a block up or down.
Time-divide block Equalize the differences between start times in a
block, so that all titles have the same duration.
Auto-endtime Intelligently adjust title durations in a block,
depending on character length, default minimum
duration, and next-title start time.
Time format & resolution (submenu)
H:MM:SS.FF Convert times in a block to H:MM:SS.FF format.
@Frame counts Convert times in a block to @FFFFFFF format.
New counts/sec Change time resolution & format over entire script.
Resolve #R's & #S's Resolve times for all #R and #S commands, and
remove the #R and #S commands from the script.
Insert dummy times Insert dummy start and stop times in front of every
untimed non-blank uncommented line in a block.
View play ramp&shift Show the current script play ramp & shift setting.
Equivalences Calculate time equivalences between normal
H:MM:SS.FF format, @NNNNNNN format, 1/60 second
counts, and 1/50 second counts, for various time
resolutions. Changing any input affects all the
Config -- configuring JACOsub
NOTE: Selecting "Save" in any Config requester will save the entire
program configuration, not just the information in that requester. The
software must be registered to save program configurations.
General settings Set general configuration parameters (these
settings are listed under "General Settings" in the
Configuration File section below. Fonts and
Function Keys have their own menu selections.
FKey macros Set function key macro strings.
Titling Fonts View or set currently-loaded fonts to be used for
playing scripts. The fonts shown are usually those
that were initially loaded, unless they were
overridden by your script.
Playing / video Set play behavior parameters (includes both the
"Play Behavior" and "video" settings described in
the Configuration File section below).
Load config Load a new configuration.
Save config Save the program configuration (software must be
Play modes
There are three modes; normal real-time, real-time with a running clock
display, and step play.
normal: This is the normal play mode to use when making a final
* The "Loop" button appearing next to the Normal play
selection causes your script to loop forever, which
is useful for displaying cyclic scripts such as
convention schedules. At the end of each pass, there
will be a short delay while video buffers are
refilled before the script begins anew.
* Selecting "Beep" causes each time event to be
signaled by a short beep during play. This gives you
an audio cue to indicate script timing accuracy.
running clock: This mode puts a small screen in front of the video
title display, showing a digital clock plus ramp and
shift information. You can drag the clock up and down.
JACOsub will raise all bottom-positioned text a little
bit so that the clock won't cover up too much. If it is
covering too much for your taste, you can temporarily
raise this text by inserting a command like #D VB32 in
your script (see "Compiler Commands" in the file
The clock display may appear to run erratically at
times. This happens when JACOsub is too busy generating
images in background video buffers and cannot update the
clock display as frequently. Do not worry; internal
timing is not affected. The clock display is mainly for
using with a blank script so you can record a clock on
your video for manual (that is, highly accurate) timing.
The "Beep" selection works in this play mode also,
although the "Loop" selection works only in normal play
step play: This mode allows you to step manually through your
script to see how each screen will appear during real-
time play. This play mode builds its imagery on the
visible display, so you can see how each screen gets
generated. The spacebar steps forward 1 screen, and
backspace steps backward up to 3, 4, or5 screens,
depending on how many video buffers exist.
* The "Pre-load buffer" button causes imagery to be
pre-loaded one buffer ahead of the current view.
This is useful for live "on-air" environments where
manual control is desired. Normally, pre-loading
is turned off for step play. With no pre-loading,
the buffer's time event is displayed in the top left
corner, and the view is drawn while you watch.
On-the-fly time shift adjustments
You may adjust the absolute time shift during play by pressing the + key
to increase the times (i.e. delay them) and - to decrease the times. The
amount of shift is changed by the ramp&shift increment you set up prior
to playing the script. After your script is finished playing, you may
select the "View play ramp&shift" menu to view the settings.
On-the-fly ramp drift adjustments
During play, you can make ramp time adjustments on the fly. Suppose you
have the ramp&shift increment set to 0.10 sec. Pressing the down-arrow
key will decrease the ramp time adjustment by 0.1 seconds, and pressing the
up-arrow key will increase it by 0.1 seconds. THE CHANGE WILL OCCUR AT THE
TIME-POINT WHERE YOU CHANGED IT. For example, if the script play is 20%
complete (1/5 done) and you pressed the up-arrow key, time events would be
increased by 0.1 seconds AT THAT TIME -- this would increase the ENDING
ramp time by five times that amount (i.e. 0.5 seconds) because the play is
only 1/5 complete at the time you made the change. The running clock
display will show you the ENDING ramp time. After your script finishes
playing, you may select "View play ramp&shift" to view the settings.
Beware of adjusting ramp time near the beginning of the script! Doing this
too early in the play will result in a drastically huge change at the end
(for example, if the playing is 1/100 complete, a 0.1 sec change in ramp
time will result in a 10-second change near the end!). Don't be
disconcerted by the Ramp display on the running clock; as stated before, it
shows the ENDING ramp adjustment. On-the-fly ramp adjusting is *wonderful*
when you get used to it. Usually you will only have to make two or three
adjustments during the entire script play, whereas straight time shift
adjustments have to be done many times at regular intervals to keep the
script in sync with the video.
>> If you find that you need more than 10 seconds of ramp adjustment per 30
minutes of script, then your genlock is having an adverse affect on your
system clock. GET THIS FIXED. Do not use JACOsub to "fix" the problem
with a bigger ramp adjustment; you are only CURING THE SYMPTOM of a serious
problem, not the cause! Besides, if a ramp adjustment gets too large, an
internal math overflow can occur, resulting in a sudden time-jump. If you
need large ramps, get some technical support from your genlock vendor. <<
The slowest but most accurate method of timing is to do it manually:
step-frame your video, observing either a frame counter or a running clock
pre-recorded on the video, and manually entering each time event into the
script. This is how AnimEigo times their scripts.
Real-time timing is quicker but often results in more errors. Either way,
timing a script accurately is a tedious chore.
JACOsub attempts to make this process easy and flexible in real time
without sacrificing accuracy. Many errors occur from trying to time an
entire script all at once. These errors are caused by operator fatigue,
distractions, and short attention span. Fixing these errors is often a
painfully slow process.
JACOsub allows you to time your script in small sections. This process
gives you the ability to correct small mistakes easily, and helps you keep
your mind alert. Other features to make timing easier include on-the-fly
mistake correction, and automatic title lowering so that you need only be
concerned with raising titles, and a "punch-in" timing mode that allows you
to make real-time adjustments to a block that has already been timed.
To time a section of your script, first highlight it as a block in the
editor. Before timing, each title to be timed MUST have a start and stop
time; "dummy" values will work. If some of the highlighted titles don't
already have start and stop times, the program will tell you and give you
the option of inserting them. Or, you can select "Insert dummy times" from
the script menu, and JACOsub will analyze the highlighted block and insert
start and stop times to all the lines that require them.
Check to be sure that the correct lines have start and stop times, and then
select "Time block" from the Timing menu. You will see a dialog box with
these timing parameters:
Start at: This is start time of the first line in the block. The
default value is whatever the current start time is for
that line. This parameter is useful for "stitching" your
separately-timed sections together -- just make sure that
the first line of your next section is the last line of
the current section.
Minimum: Minimum duration of each title in milliseconds. All titles
will have a duration of at least this amount unless
superceeded by a new title. 2 seconds is a good value.
Plus: Additional duration to add to the minimum, in milliseconds
per character of title length. Longer titles take longer to
read. 33 ms/char is a good number to use; experiment until
you find a satisfying personal preference.
Gap ____ msec if < ____ % diff: Number of milliseconds of blank space
to insert between successive titles when raised with a forced
gap, if the title lengths differ by less than the % change.
Normally, raising a title before the previous one is lowered
causes the previous title's end time to be the same as the
new title's start time. This saves video buffers during
script play, and allows for clean transitions between
titles. However, if two successive titles look similar
(e.g. same number of lines of same length), the viewer may
not notice the title has changed while watching the video.
Forcing a gap (see below) causes a brief blank interval to
flash onto the screen, providing a more noticeably break
between titles.
Output resolution: Number of units/second to use when modifying the
times in the script. The default will be whatever is current
in your script.
Track: If you have used the T directive to designate any of the
highlighted titles as separate timing tracks, this cycle
gadget will appear, allowing you to select, for timing, one
or all of the tracks present in the highlighted block.
After selecting OK, the timing display will appear. The top half of the
display contains mouse and key instructions. This top half is mostly
transparent to video, so you can view your video through a genlock while
timing your script. The bottom half contains three fields:
Used titles list: The last three titles timed to completion.
Currently raised title: The current title being timed.
Waiting titles list: The next four titles waiting to be timed.
Initially only the Waiting list contains anything. Timing will begin when
you raise the first title. The operations available to you are:
Raise next title (SPACEBAR or left mouse button):
Raise the next title in the Waiting list. If another title is currently
raised, it will be lowered and placed in the Used list when the next
title is raised.
Raise next title with a forced gap (TAB or double-click left mouse button):
Same as above, with the difference that if a title is currently raised,
its end time will be shortened slightly to create a gap between it and
the next raised title, provided the two title lengths are sufficiently
different as specified in the timing set-up dialog box.
Lower current title (RETURN key or right mouse button):
Lower the currently-raised title if one exists. You should never need to
do this if you have properly set your auto-duration parameters.
Back up (BACKSPACE):
If a title is currently raised, it is put back into the Waiting list.
If no title is currently raised, the last Used one is put back into the
Waiting list. You cannot back up if performing punch-in timing.
Skip next Waiting title (DEL key):
The next Waiting title is put into the Used list. If a title is already
raised, it will be placed into the Used list first, along with the next
Waiting title. Skipped titles will not have their times modified in the
Abort operation (ESC key):
Abort the timing and return to the editor. Script times will not be
modified. Only by finishing the whole section will any times be
Toggle instructions, Used / Waiting (I, U, W keys):
Pressing I causes the instructions in the top half of the display to
disappear. Press I again to make them reappear. Pressing U or W
changes the size of the Used or Waiting titles lists, respectively.
They will cycle between 1 and 5 lines in height. The size of these
fields will be saved for the future if you save the program
After timing the script block, you may move on to the next section. Simply
make sure that the last title you timed in the previous block is the first
title to be timed in the next block. The start time of the new block will
default to the start time of the first line in the block. In this way, the
blocks are "stitched" together.
You can skip this section. JACOsub's configuration file is transparent to
you -- you can modify the configuration from any of the Config menu
selections, and the program saves its configuration in a file called
JACOsub.cfg whenever you select "Save Config" from the Config menu
(provided the program has been shareware-registered). JACOsub will set its
own defaults for parameters that are omitted in JACOsub.cfg (and also if
the file doesn't exist). The settings in the file are documented here
just for the sake of completeness.
When running JACOsub from a Shell, you can specify which config file you
want using the -config commandline switch, or you can run JACOsub from
whichever directory that contains the desired config file.
Each line in the JACOsub.cfg file may be: a blank line, a comment (must
begin with a # character), or a setting. Settings have the following form:
SETTING <argument1> <argument2> ...
Here are the settings and their possible arguments. They may be either
uppercase or lowercase. The default settings indicated are what you get if
you omit a particular setting from your config file. Parameters inside
brackets [] are optional; those inside bra-kets <> are mandatory.
General Settings
AUTOENDTIME <overall (msec)> <add'l (msec/char)> <gap (msec)> <threshhold%>
[changed in AutoEndtime or Time Script menu selection]
When timing a script or performing the Automatic End Time adjustment
feature, JACOsub needs to know what default time duration you want for
your titles. <overall> is the minimum duration in milliseconds. Titles
appear on the screen for at least this length of time (this duration is
shortened during timing if you raise another title before the current
title has expired). <add'l> is the additional amount of time to display
the title, expressed in milliseconds per character. The character count
of the title does not include directives, embedded comments, or embedded
escape codes - only the title text itself. <gap> is the amount of blank
space to force between titles when a new title is raised before the
calculated end for the previous title. The gap will appear if the
percentage length difference between the two titles is less than
<threshhold%>, otherwise the previous title will end when the new title
begins. Setting <threshhold%> to zero disables the forced gap.
AUTOENDTIME 2000 33 50 20%
DIRECTIVE <directive string>
[changed in the General Settings menu selection]
Sets the initial global D directive for all scripts. Don't be scared by
the huge default string shown below; yours won't ever look like this.
See the "Directive" section in the format specification documentation
JScripts.doc for complete understanding. Anything you set here
represents a *change* to the default string below, not a replacement.
DURATIONWARN <number of seconds>
[changed in the General Settings menu selection]
If you inadvertently set a title's start and stop times so that its
duration is too long, you might want JACOsub to warn you about it when
your script is compiled. This problem sometimes occurs when compiling
TurboTitle scripts, where some "null" lines can have a start time of 0
and a stop time of 9 hours! This setting lets you set the minimum title
duration that will trigger a warning during script compilation.
EDITORWINDOW <LeftEdge> <TopEdge> <Width> <Height>
[changed with the editor window resizing gadget]
This determines the initial position and size height of the editor
window. Minimum window size is 420x150. To change this setting while
using JACOsub, simply use the mouse to change the size of the editor
window and save the program configuration.
EDITORWINDOW 0 2 640 198
FKEY <key number> <macro string>
[changed in the Fkey macro menu selection]
You may set any of the 10 function keys to send a string (up to 80
characters) to the editor. This is useful to keep from typing commonly
used strings over and over again. <key number> should range from 1 to
10, and you should not have a comment behind the macro string or it will
be included as part of the string.
Default: FKEY 10 9:00:00.00 9:00:00.0 D
(This is useful for inserting dummy times in front of lines)
Function keys 1 - 9 are not set.
FONT <n> <fontname.font> <size> [CLEAN or QUICK&DIRTY] [Y/X]
[changed in the Title Fonts menu selection or changed by your script]
Sets font <n> to <fontname.font> which is <size> pixels high. <n> must
range from 0 to 9. The font should be a proportional-spaced color font,
although you can use any font. You will normally NEVER need the last
argument. The CLEAN argument (default for color fonts with overlapping
characters if omitted) tells JACOsub to display this font "cleanly,"
that is, to avoid an artifact of the Amiga's text rendering operation
that results in color interference problems when rendering fonts with
overlapped characters (such as the JACOsub 36 and 32 fonts). With
CLEAN, only color 3 text will be rendered quickly; other colors will be
rendered one character at a time instead of a line at a time.
QUICK&DIRTY forces the font to render quickly, with the resultant color
interference problems. QUICK&DIRTY is the default for mono-color fonts
and color fonts without overlapping characters. The Y/X parameter is
the font's initial aspect ratio (AmigaDOS 2.0+), and defaults to
100/100. Once an aspect ratio is set for a certain font and size, it
cannot be changed later.
FONT 0 JACOsub.font 36 (primary font)
FONT 1 JACOsub.font 32 (secondary font)
FONT 2 JACOsub.font 32
FONT 3 JACOsub.font 32
FONT 4 JACOsub.font 32 (Note: fonts 4 through 9 are
FONT 5 JACOsub.font 32 not available unless the software
FONT 6 JACOsub.font 32 has been registered.)
FONT 7 JACOsub.font 32
FONT 8 JACOsub.font 32
FONT 9 JACOsub.font 32
Important point about fonts:
Color fonts should be designed so that bitplane 0 (color 1) contains the
font face imagery, while bitplane 1 (color 2) contains the outline and
dropshadow imagery. JACOsub assumes all color fonts are designed this
way. This design is necessary for face color control and rendering
efficiency. The TurboTitle font was not designed this way, so it will
look all wrong unless you use a font editor to reassign the bitplanes.
[changed in the General Settings menu selection]
Specifies how to interpret genlock fader control commands in a script
(see the "Directive" section in the format specification documentation
JScripts.doc). NONE will cause such commands to be ignored. Otherwise
JACOsub will attempt to control the type of genlock specified.
Currently only the Digital Creations SuperGen is supported, using
supergen.library version 2.0 or higher.
GVP genlocks can cause crashes when a program tries to load an IFF file
without using GVP's own proprietary file loader. Setting GENLOCK to GVP
will cause JACOsub to look for a script called gvpfade.jsrx for genlock
fading (see the file ARexx.doc for details), and it will also cause a
compile warning to be issued if your script tries to load an IFF file.
The script will still compile properly, however.
TOASTER specifies the NewTek video toaster, which like the GVP must be
controlled through ARexx, and requires a script called toasterfade.jsrx.
GRAPHICPATH <path for graphics files>
[changed in the General Settings menu selection]
Tells JACOsub the directory where it should expect to find IFF graphics.
Default: the "scripts" directory under the current directory.
[changed in the General Settings menu selection]
If set to YES, JACOsub will copy your original script on your disk to
the T: directory before saving an updated version. Under normal
AmigaDOS configurations, the T: directory is on the ramdisk.
[changed in the General Settings menu selection]
Tells JACOsub whether or not to save compiled versions of your scripts
automatically. Compiled scripts load up quicker than raw ASCII scripts,
but they consume more disk space. You are not likely to need this
SCRIPTPATH <script path>
[changed in the General Settings menu selection]
Tells JACOsub the directory where it should expect to find scripts.
Default: the "scripts" directory under the current directory.
TIMELISTLEN <used list length> <waiting list length>
[changed on the timing screen]
These variables control the length, in number of lines, of the "used"
list of titles and the "waiting" list of titles on the timing screen.
Minimum value is 1, maximum 5.
Play Behavior Settings
ANTIALIASCOLOR <color number>
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
This setting is relevant only when JACOsub generates its own outlines
around mono-color fonts (which is not the case with the JACOsub
distribution fonts). The color you specify here will be used inside the
font outline, 1 pixel to the left and right of the font image. This
color should be neutral gray or a half-intensity face color, which you
can set with the PALETTE setting below. The default is color 2, which
should *always* be black. Because outlines are also black, a setting of
2 results in no anti-aliasing when font outlines are generated (it's
also faster).
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
The running clock display can be made twice as tall as normal. This
setting is useful if you have trouble reading the clock display during
frame-stepping in your video tape.
RAMPSHIFTINCR <milliseconds>
[changed prior to playing a script]
This setting determines the initial on-the-fly ramp and shift adjustment
increment. Ramp and shift corrections made during script play will be
changed by this amount. You may change this increment from the program
when you try to play a script.
RAMPSHIFTINCR 100 # 100 milliseconds = 1/10 second
SHADEPATTERN <line1> <line2> <line3> <line4>
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
Sets the shade pattern for the CS directive (see the "Directive" section
in JScripts.doc). The pattern is bit mask 16 pixels wide and 4
scanlines high, specified by line1-line4, which must be 16-bit
hexadecimal numbers (these numbers represent each scan line for the
mask). The default is two solid horizontal scanlines followed by two
blank scanlines, because this seems most reliable for all genlocks.
Some genlocks will grossly distort the video image if you try to specify
a complex mask like the default which turns on every other dot. For
other genlocks like the SuperGen or GVP, this mask results in a beautiful
transparent video darkening effect. The hexadecimal paramters may be
uppercase or lowercase.
Default (vertical lines every other pixel):
TIMEFONT <fontname.font> <size>
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
Sets the time-font. This font is used for the running clock display.
It is also the default font used while timing scripts. This font should
be a fixed-width, mono-color font, sufficiently large to be legible when
recorded on your videotape. MAXIMUM <size> is 24. If the specified
font is not found, the Topaz 9 ROM font will be used.
TIMEFONT JACOsub.font 18
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
This setting is difficult to explain.
JACOsub generates a new video frame for each time event specified in a
script. If the time ranges for different titles overlap, then some
titles must exist on more than one frame in order to endure through the
overlapping time events from other titles. Generating the same text
again and again on different frames might slow down the program, so
JACOsub uses the Amiga blitter to duplicate text strings between video
This advantage in speed also has a disadvantage: If the text was
initially generated over other imagery already on the screen (such as an
IFF brush or a shaded rectangle background), a portion of this imagery
will get blitted into the other frames along with the text. But suppose
you did not want this imagery to survive into subsequent frames? You
can disable blitter operations, forcing all text to be generated
into each frame (instead of copying using the blitter), by specifying NO
for this parameter. Regardless of this setting, the blitter is NOT used
to copy text if IFF graphic backgrounds change between subsequent frames.
Video Display Settings
BITPLANES <number of bitplanes>
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
Sets number of bitplanes per video buffer. 2 to the power of this
number is the number of colors available. Maximum bitplanes is 2 if
SUPERHIRES is set. You shouldn't need to set this greater than 4 (for
16 colors).
BITPLANES 2 # 2 bitplanes = 4 colors
DISPLAYSIZE <width> <height>
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
Sets the size of the playing display. <width> should be a multiple of
16, greater than or equal to 640. <height> should be greater than or
equal to 400. If <width> is less than 800 and HRES (below) is set to
SUPERHIRES, then <width> will be doubled internally. If <width> is
greater than 800 and HRES is set to HIRES, then <width> will be halved.
THE WIDTH MUST BE A MULTIPLE OF 32. If it is not, JACOsub will round it
to the nearest multiple. Strange behavior (font skewing, random pixels)
can result if the display width is not a multiple of 32.
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
Sets display horizontal resolution mode. SUPERHIRES will work only if
your Amiga has the complete ECS or AGA chipsets, and your AmigaDOS
version is 2.0 or better. Otherwise, SUPERHIRES will be interpreted
as HIRES, which is the default horizontal resolution for Workbench.
Amigas with the ECS chipset are limited to 4 colors in superhires mode.
PALETTE <n> <red> <green> <blue>
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
Sets the red, green, and blue CRT beam intensities for color <n>. <n>
may range from 0 to 15 (although the maximum used will be determined by
the BITPLANES setting). <red>, <green>, and <blue> may range from 0
(off) to 15 (maximum) although for NTSC friendliness you should probably
not go beyond 13 or 14. This initial palette may be changed by your
script (see the #P command), and it is active only when a script is
playing. You cannot change the palette for the editor window.
Defaults (please give us feeback if you have better settings!):
PALETTE 0 9 10 11 # background (transparent when genlocked)
PALETTE 1 1 14 8 # ALTERNATE font face color
PALETTE 2 0 0 0 # font outline/shadow color (SHOULD BE DARK)
PALETTE 3 13 14 5 # PRIMARY font face color
PALETTE 4 14 0 0 # red - remaining settings are arbitrary
PALETTE 5 14 10 5 # orange
PALETTE 6 14 8 14 # light magenta / hot pink
PALETTE 7 0 14 14 # cyan
PALETTE 8 11 7 3 # brown
PALETTE 9 14 11 9 # light beige
PALETTE 10 5 10 14 # deep sky blue
PALETTE 11 3 3 3 # gray shades...
PALETTE 12 6 6 6
PALETTE 13 9 9 9
PALETTE 14 12 12 12
PALETTE 15 14 14 14
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
Sets the timer type for playing or timing scripts. EVENT is the normal
event-driven interal timer, efficient and multitasking-friendly. POLLED
causes the internal timer to be polled continuously for time updates
instead of having the program go to sleep and wait for the next time
event -- the running clock display, for example, forces the program to
switch over to POLLED timing. You can force it permanently by setting
POLLED. EXTERNAL is an external timer, like a timecode reader. It's
not yet implemented, and behaves the same as EVENT for now.
When timing scripts, the timer is always polled, whether internal or
TOPLEFT <x offset> <y offset>
[changed immediately prior to playing a script]
If your play screen is centered on your RGB monitor, it will likely NOT
be centered when you record the video signal on a VCR or view this
signal on a television screen. The TOPLEFT setting determines where the
top left corner of the play screen will be. YOU SHOULD NOT SET THIS
YOURSELF in JACOsub.cfg. JACOsub will let you center the screen before
playing your script (AmigaDOS 2.0+ only), and you can save the settings
later by selecting "Save config" from the Config menu.
This setting works only under AmigaDOS 2.0 and above. Under 1.3, you
must first center your Workbench screen on your television using
Preferences, before running JACOsub.
The top left corner of your Workbench screen is used for this setting.
VIDEOBUFFERS <number of buffers>
[changed in the Playing / Video menu selection]
Sets the number of video buffers to use for building displays. Minimum
number allowed is 3, maximum is 5. Set to 3 if you are low on CHIP RAM,
of if your script doesn't do time-consuming complicated things (such as
generate outlines around a screenful of text with a graphics backdrop).
Increase the number of buffers ONLY if you notice that JACOsub is
generating imagery on the visible screen (all image generation should
take place in the background where you cannot see it).
End of JACOsub.doc. See JScripts.doc for details about scripts.